
August 1, 2017

Nonprofit HR Con | Tech Trends Panel with Workforce Go!


Nonprofit HR Con | HR Conference + Career Expo



Hebrew Union College
1 West 4th Street
New York, NY 10012


August 3, 2017

8 am to 5 pm EST


Organizer: New York Nonprofit Media





Event description:

Recruiting, engaging and retaining top talent is crucial for any nonprofit to succeed. This event will present roundtable discussions and feature industry experts who will discuss how to align talent management strategies necessary for an evolving workforce. It will also talk to the workforce out there about how to enhance their career through education, becoming part of multi-generational team and exploring board involvement. Featured speakers and panel presenters will share insights to help you leverage culture and human capital management practices to drive organizational growth.

Workforce Go! is co-sponsoring the event with JMT Consulting Group and iRecruit.

Join us! Panel attendees can enter to win one of three $100 Amazon gift cards!

Ask the Experts | Panel

10:30 a.m.


Technology Trends for Managing a Modern Workforce

There’s no doubt the our relationship to technology in the workforce is changing. We manage employees across multiple generations, seek technology that allows for anywhere, anytime accessibility, and demand integrated systems that eliminate the need for paper. 


We invite you to participate in this interactive session with a panel of human resources technology experts. They will lead discussions in onboarding human capital management, and integration with financial management. Also learn how and why anywhere access to real-time data is becoming a key driver for many nonprofits. 


Chris Goheen, Chief Operating Officer/President, Workforce Go! | Founder and Chief Executive Officer, JMT Consulting | HR Consultant, iRecruit


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